Prepping for the premiere of Betty La Fea: The Story Continues
I'm back in Bogotá at Maria Elvira's house for the premiere of Betty la Fea: The Story Continues in July, 2024. And who's my plus one? It's Roberto - nice, kind, and very good-looking. The perfect red carpet companion.
Wednesday is all about preparing for the big event. I start with Pilates, followed by a mani-pedi. In the afternoon, Maria Gabriela does my hair and makeup, and by 6:30, I'm stepping into the cab, carrying two extra pairs of dressy shoes. Roberto glances at my bag.
"What? You couldn't decide what to put on your feet? You're not wearing black loafers, are you?"
I laugh. "I can't decide between high or low heels," I say, slipping one on to show him. I know I've totally overpacked, but this is a special moment, and Roberto definitely knows style.
"Stop," he says. "You can't wear those Mary Poppins shoes." I look down at the floor of the taxi, and somehow, my feet are in first position. He’s absolutely right; it's the sky-high heels for sure. I swap shoes.
Walking the red carpet & watching the premiere episode
We arrive just after 7 p.m. at the Centro Nacional de las Artes Delia Zapata, named after one of Colombia's most famous folkloric dancers. The center is impressive, a multi-story building with a 500-seat theater. Roberto serves as my photographer on the red carpet, and upstairs we chat with old acting buddies Constanza Duque and Carmenza Gomez. My castmates are up front, and Roberto and I settle into our seats to watch the first episode...
It feels like I just read the script, and now it's real - up there on the big screen! People laugh when I say my lines; it's surreal to watch it with everyone here. There are funny moments throughout the show, and the audience applauds at the end. Afterwards, I go over to Mauricio Cruz to congratulate him on his direction. Ana Maria Orozco, who plays Betty, gives me a huge hug. I miss this — I miss the camaraderie from working on a show. In voice over, 99.9% of the time, I'm recording in a room by myself and often don't even get to hear the finished product. This is so different, and so wonderful...
Old friends and barking dogs
We head back upstairs, where there's a band playing and hors d'oeuvres being passed around. My feet are holding up okay, considering they've been embedded in 4-inch heels for the past few hours, but I'm tired from the emotional hoopla of the entire event. I say hi to Natalia Ramirez, who plays my sister, on the way out. Just as I'm about to get into the elevator, I run into Julián Arango, aka Hugo Lombardi. Julian is one of the best actors in Colombia, able to seamlessly play both comedic and dramatic characters - and a good friend. We hug and promise to stay in touch virtually. And then I'm back in the taxi with Roberto, headed north.
I did it! The whole thing (re)started with a phone call. In 48 hours, it will be on Amazon Prime in two languages - so exciting!!